Alderman Bolton Primary Academy is part of Warrington Primary Academy Trust (WPAT), a family of eight local primary schools.

It’s my task as Trust CEO to make sure that your school’s staff have all the resources, expertise, professional development and support they need in order to provide your children with the very best education standards. 

My other key responsibility is to help your school meet the needs of every pupil and make sure that the Trust’s core values – high expectations for every child, an unrelenting pursuit of excellence and a passion for learning – are at the heart of everything that we do, while at the same time preserving your school’s unique strengths and character. 

I have spent all of my education career dedicated to improving the life chances of children. I’ve always believed that the most effective way to do this is through excellent teaching delivered by a team of dedicated professionals with the highest expectations of children.

WPAT’s mission has been focused on this aim since we were established back in 2016 and it will always be so.

It’s an honour for me to work with your school.

Our Journey

Warrington Primary Academy Trust (WPAT), established on 16th May 2016, began when three Warrington primary schools and a teaching school formed a Multi-Academy Trust. We are a growing, ambitious, outward looking and forward thinking Trust, and continue to forge ahead in an ever-changing educational landscape.

As the first Multi-Academy Trust to form in Warrington, we have forged an expectation of excellence in all that we do. The impact of our work continues to be seen in the progress and performance of the children in our schools. Each member school understands their local community and is strongly rooted in their locality. WPAT values individuality by recognising and celebrating all our school's strengths and supporting eachother through effective leadership.

With support from core WPAT staff, the schools are able to focus on continual improvement and high quality education. To that end, we have been proactive in developing our innovative approaches to demonstrating improvement.

 "To deliver a first class education through partnership, innovation, school improvement and accountability."

WPAT works under a Guiding Principle which is a phrase deliberately used instead of 'Vision'. The intention behind this idea is that we want to not only see the principle in action, but also hear and feel it within the everyday activity of our schools. The decisions our staff make, the way in which they think and how they communicate continually echoes our principles. This attitude is encouraged at all levels throughout the Trust and is used as a barometer of quality.

Our three core values are essential to the life of our school community. Here, they are set in order starting with Children First. This indicates that all our actions, behaviour and decisions can be driven by a mind-set that everyone within Warrington Primary Academy Trust is working to raise the prospects and achievements of our children. Resilience comes from our determination and Pioneering demonstrates that we are confident to try new approaches, if the potential rewards will deliver benefits for all our children.

The continuous fantastic results of all WPAT schools is a fitting acknowledgement of excellent collaborative work. The CEO, Local Governing Bodies, Headteachers, staff, parents, pupils and wider school communities are all involved in setting high expectations and achieving our great results.


Warrington Primary Academy Trust | wpat.warrington.sch.uk | 01925 202256