The Local Governing Committee

The Local Governing Committee  – Alderman Bolton Primary Academy

On May 1st 2018, the school became an academy and joined Warrington Primary Academy Trust. Our Governing Committee is organised in line their agreed Operating Principles and Terms of Reference. The Alderman Bolton Governing Committee has the capacity for 12 members and currently our members include the Head of School, one Staff Governor, two Parent Governors, one representative from Warrington Primary Academy Trust and 4 Co-Opted Governors. We are seeking to recruit three more Co-opted Governors as soon as possible. All have voting rights and their membership lasts four years, in most cases, subject to extension with the agreement of the Governing Body and the Multi-Academy Trust.

The Governing Body has a clerk, whose time is bought from the Local Authority. She is not a Governor. She clerks our half termly Full Governing Committee (FGC) meetings, required committee meetings and offers advice on request. We are grateful to her for her experience, knowledge and help.

The Department of Education (DfE) requires that all schools publish on their website a list of Governors by name, category of Governor, the date they will cease to be a Governor (unless re-elected), any Committees they serve on, what their responsibilities are on the Governing Committee, whether they have any business interests that could affect decisions they might make as a Governor, whether they govern any other school or college, and whether they have any relationship to members of the school staff, including spouse, partners and relatives.

Register of Pecuniary Interests

Click here to view our Register of Pecuniary Interests and additional governor information.


Governing Committee Membership as of September 2023:
Name of Governor Category of Governor Appointed If also Governor elsewhere Committee membership Responsibility on GB Relevant business interests Relationships to school staff, if any

Sarah Morris

Headteacher   No Pay Commitee   No Staff

Rachel Alderson

Parent 09/12/2021-08/12/2025 No   Link Governor for SEND and Member of the Pupil Welfare and Inclusion Working Group No No

Yvette Blake

(Vice Chair)

Co-opted 10/12/2015 – 09/12/2023 No

Pay Committee


Link Governor for Early Years Foundation Stage, Pupil Premium and Behaviour

Member of all Working Groups

No No

Stephanie Garner

Co-opted 27/09/2023 - 26/09/2027 No  

Member of the Curriculum and Standards Working Group

No No

Danny Proudfoot




11/11/2021 – 10/11/2025 No Pay Committee Member of the Finance and Personnel Working Group No No

Libby Worthington

MAT Representative 07/04/2022 – 06/04/2026 No   Member of the Health and Safety Working Group No No


Karl Holmes




07/04/2022 – 06/04/2026




Link Governor for Safeguarding

Member of the Pupil Welfare and Inclusion Working Group









12/07/2022 – 11/07/2026 No  Staff Representative Member of the Curriculum and Standards Working Group No Staff

Debbie Wheeler


31/01/2024 - 30/01/2028 No   Member of the Pupil Welfare and Inclusion Working Group No No

Nurul Alam


27/03/2024 - 26/03/2028 No   Member of the Curriculum and Standards Working Group No No
Lisa Adams Clerk         No No


Staff Dismissal Committee

The first three available governors selected on an alphabetical basis (surname) from the governing body as and when required, excluding staff Governors.

Staff Dismissal Appeals Committee

The first three available governors selected on an alphabetical basis from the governing body, excluding those selected for the Staff Dismissal Committee, as and when required, and excluding staff Governors.

Pupil Discipline Committee and Complaints Committee. The first three available governors selected on an alphabetical basis from the governing body as and when required.