Currently the daily cost is £2.80.
Please visit our School Day page for information.
We expect all children to wear uniform to school. Please visit our Uniform page for information.
School applications are managed by Warrington Borough Council. Please visit our Admissions page for information.
There are multiple members of staff to contact at school, dependent on the nature of your query.
All calls: 01925 633 262 - a member of the office will forward your call to the relevant person.
School Office: aldermanbolton@wpat.uk
Safeguarding Team: aldermanbolton.safeguarding@wpat.uk
Our onsite parking is for staff only.
Please can we ask that if parents are parking near school, that they do it with consideration for our neighbours.
Please refrain from idling near our school and stopping/parking on the yellow zigzags, to protect the safety of our children and staff.
Yes, your child can cycle to and from school if they are accompanied by an adult or if you give them permission to cycle alone or with friends.
We have a bike shed available. All bicycles are left at own risk and we recommend using a bike lock. School is unable to provide bike locks.
All children in Reception and KS1 must be accompanied by an adult. However, if you wish for an older child to walk to school alone, we do need a permission letter from somebody with parental responsibility. The information will be held on the school's MIS system.
We always promote healthy eating and encourage our parents to make healthy choices when putting together a packed lunch for their child.
Please be aware that we are a NUT FREE school.
We have children at school who have severe nut allergies and would require medical assistance if they came into contact with any nuts. Therefore, please ensure your child's snack/packed lunch do not contain any nuts.
Check ingredients and ask a member of staff if you are not sure.
We kindly ask that parents label all clothing that comes into school. If an item goes missing, your child must inform their class teacher and teaching assistant.
We offer support in the transition from primary to secondary school. This process includes parents' meetings, workshops and transition booklets.
Due to our geographical location, our Year 6 pupils will move to various secondary schools across Warrington including Sir Thomas Boteler and Cardinal Newman.
Usually children join Reception class in the September before their 5th birthday.
Please read our Admissions page or for further advice speak to a member of the school office team.
We do not allow toys in school, unless the class teacher has specifically asked their class to bring something in. Please always check with them.
Newsletters are available on our Class DoJo page.
We would discourage parents from trying to talk to a teacher in the morning as they are busy preparing for the school day.
We would advise you to speak to the teacher at the end of the school day after all the children have been dismissed.
We can also make appointments in the school office for parents to see the class teacher or another member of staff.
We have a breakfast club on site that opens at 8:00am and the daily cost is £2.50, which is payable via ParentPay.
We have a Wasps Link Club that pick up children from our school daily. More information available on https://waspschildcare.co.uk/
We also offer a variety of clubs for different age groups. These run after school normally from 3.15pm - 4.15pm. Clubs change every term and you will always be notified in the first week of the new term so that you can apply. More information available on our Extra-Curriculur Activities page.
Parents Evenings are held face-to-face twice per year.
Reports are sent home yearly.
We have worked hard to ensure that our school is accessible:
- We have one disabled access parking space onsite
- All entrance points in the main building are at ground level
- Entrance point in the EYFS building is accessible via ramps and handrails.
- We have a digital signing in pad at reception with variable heights.
- We have one accessible toilet with an emergency pull cord and changing facilities in the EYFS building.
- We have one accessible toilet in the main building.
- We have a stair lift installed in the main building, with access to all floors.